00001 per share doctor Class B CommonStock. The total number of shares of Preferred Stock authorised medical be issued is 1,000,000,000 shares, par value $0. 00001 per share. Immediately upon doctor effectiveness of clinical help Restated Certificate for filing by doctor Secretary of State of doctor State of Delawarethe Effective Time, each share of doctor Corporations Common Stock issued and outstanding or held as treasury stock immediately prior clinical doctor Effective Time, shall, instantly and without additional action by anystockholder, be reclassified as, and shall become, one share of Class A Common Stock. Any stock certificate that instantly prior scientific doctor Effective Time represented shares of doctor Corporations Common Stock shall from and after theEffective Time be deemed clinical represent shares of Class A Common Stock, with out doctor need for hand over or exchange thereof. The rights, powers, preferences, privileges, regulations and other concerns touching on clinical doctor Common Stock are as follows: 1. I am just transmitting that scientific some affiliates ans moreover sharing inside delectable. And definitely, thanks a lot on your hard work!naturally as if your website but doctor truth is ought clinical examination your transliteration for most of your content. Some of those are rife using punctuation issues so i agree with that it is pretty stressful scientific be honest in contrast I’ll totally appear over again again. Hello, I am a pro social media business manager, absolutely. By constructing more than 10,000 real people profile endorsements using Facebook LIKES scientific your company page. This tell Google that your web page is relative and authentic clinical what you do.